Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's a Beautiful Day.....

Wow it's super nice here in Austin this morning. The town is getting ready for

SXSW is a big party celebrating Music, Movies, and the IT business. You buy a ticket and go from party to party to party. The Blogger Dashboard is listing their party at Club De Ville Sunday. BlogHer will be at Freddie's Place Friday.The party that gives me a question marks is the PayPal party. I wonder if they will be handing out money because there are freebies at most of these parties. My husband is heading to the Microsoft happy hour hoping to score a full version of Web Expressions.

Now my feeling are a little hurt that I wasn't one of the hand picked Bloggers asked to speak at SXSW. I could have spoke about nudist, dummies getting bust for weed and my thoughts on the state of the union. LOL

For those that read my silly stories,
I hope to have the next installment up sometime today !
The Power of L


Walker said...

Since you put it like that I think I would like to hear you speak lol

Jas said...

Nice, i wonder if they have these kinda parties here in Vancouver. Sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks Lora for dropping by and wishing me well. My dislocated shoulder is recovering well, and I can actually type as normal. :) Yahoo...

Jas said...

Oh yeah did your husband score a web expression?

Lora_3 said...

Walker - the things I would have said about the state of the Union might have gotten me thrown in jail. LOL

Jas - I'm glad your back.

Be safe...

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...