Sunday, December 31, 2006
Say Goodbye ...
May 2007 teach us all. If it gives us Rocks will learn to make them Roll and be better humans for it.
Now for those of you who might celebrate to much, I give you THIS to learn before you party!
Make sure that you eat cabbage tomorrow so that you'll have enough money next year!
Friday, December 29, 2006
How would you like to get this call: "In Houston, Texas in a dumpster behind a pet store we found your luggage!"
When I read the article I was dismayed. They almost shut down airports checking people and then they forget to watch the luggage. That's crazy!
Be safe...
Picture by
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I always knew the Coke would get me!
Speaking of bad for you drinks, my husband got me a Coffee Press for Christmas. Yeah I almost OD the first day from caffeine. It's good but it's not a power mug drink. My hands are shaking just thinking about it.
Be safe...
Picture from
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Hey I'm a Wake...
That picture reminds me that I don't ride my Mountain Bike enough. Maybe that's something I should do more of in the coming year.
Be safe...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
What Flag Is This?
True story, some years back I walked into my sister's (who's 11 years older then me)wearing these pants and she gave me a pissed off look. "What?" She gets all huffy and says "I can't believe you'd wear those pants!" So ok my Scot grandfather might roll over in his grave but I thought the pants made me look hot. Then my sister starts calling me a racist. It took me a few minutes to get it and then I rolled my eyes.
Just because I'm from Indiana does not mean that I'm a total redneck that would go around sporting the confederate flag on my pants.
So tonight I'm going to a party and I think I'll wear these pants. Let's see if the Texans know what flag this is.
Be safe...
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I'm Locked Out Of My Bedroom!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Unusual Christmas Gifts
How many people do you think are getting toilets for Christmas? So today I was thinking about unusual Christmas presents. While cleaning my bathroom I thought if someone gave me a toilet as a Christmas present what would I say? Uhhhh...
Have you ever looked up Toilets on the internet? I found biblical toilets. It says they are of Greek design and I had to laugh. I also found a Toilet that cost almost $6000. What? Please don't make me go into the waterless Toilets.
Ok I think I got that worked out of my system!
Be safe...
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Songs
This song pulls at my soul.
My grownup Christmas wish
Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With Childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown-up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up
Christmas list
What is this illusion called?
The innocence of youth
Maybe only in our blind belief
Can we ever find the truth?
There'd be no more lives torn apart
And wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only lifelong wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list
Lyrics by Linda Thompson Foster
Be safe...
Monday, December 18, 2006
Ok I'm not cracked up about the mustard yellow color on this house. I did get a sneak peak at the back yard and they did make good use of the small space. It's funny the house has the only green yard around.
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
On to twinkle lights and a partridge in a pear tree! Ho Ho Ho
Be safe...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The House is Huge!!!
Must of the houses in this neighborhood are one level dwellings. There are a few split level houses. So when you see this three story Monster it is striking. The streets around are very tight so they had to block many of them to bring in the trucks with the building supplies. All in all it's been fun to watch from my part of the street.
This house sits on a corner and I don't think there is going to be much yard. There is a nice park just a block down the street. My back story on the family comes from my son, so?! He told me that the woman has 7 children with autism. (word for word what he said) So that means this is very dear to us because of our good Indian Momma friend,The Cool Single Mom, Teresa.
I did get to see Eduardo Xol! Sorry pic's on the fly. Yes, ladies he is that good looking. This has been real fun for me because I watch the show. They recently did a show in Indiana and my parents went to check out the house there. What are the odds I'd get to do the same here?
Be safe...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I think my Mom should invite the Rabbi for a visit. My Parents live in Santa Claus, Indiana!
Be Safe...
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Friday, December 08, 2006
Stories from the Ice Castle
The night wind wailed and whispered down the abandon night streets of the town. She walked alone down the middle of the road looking like a ghost wearing a white evening gown and full length white fur coat. In her left hand she carried a crystal bourbon glass. She walked along looking at the Christmas lights outside of the little shops with the eyes of a big cat on the prowl.
Dedicated to Big Brother, the Dark Lord of Sex Talk!
Be safe…
Picture from
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ice Dreams
I love these pictures of the Ice Hotel.
Dream like and peaceful.
I would love to see this.
A theme room with a fireplace is $399
but that's only during the week.
Be safe...
My Blog is Worth What???
My blog is worth $5,645.40.
How much is your blog worth?
I think I'll go to the bank tomorrow. See if I can borrow against my Blog.
Crazy part is, I'm sitting here thinking "if I get more people to link to me,
my Blog would be worth more"
A girl has to have a dream!
Be safe...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Boys! And the Problem Starts There
Folks we are really going wrong somewhere with are young men in this country. Today in a town not far away they charged 4 boys because it is believed that they were trying to make NAPALM. One was the son of a Deputy Sheriff. How well do you think that went over. Now it is not believed that they planned to use it to blow away anybody but really what the hell were they thinking. Then I remember the movie "October Sky". Homer Hickam got arrested in 1957 for making Rockets.
I don't know if the 4 charged today had mean spirited ideas in their heads or just the wish to see if they could make something go Boom. Hey boys, when Forrest Gump said he thought something jumped up and bit him, it was the Napalm. I like the idea of young men thinking about something other then cars and boobs. But after Columbine, thinking of ways to make bombs wasn't a great idea.
People will say "Boys will be Boys". Yeah well, when Men start acting like Men again that phrase won't bother me a bit. Till then I'm a Mom and I'm worried.
Be safe...
Picture from
Here I am a Wassailing...
I had a wonderful Snow Weekend. Not! I helped (did) science fair project. I hate science fair projects. On Monday night I had a blast with dinner guest. Trinity has a new little friend and it a boy. She gave him a big hug when he left. It was so cute. I read The Killing Club during my snow weekend.
To anyone with young kids, please check out the Signing Time videos on DVD. I'm having a blast leaning Sign language with Trinity. You can also check out the show on PBS!
On the Dashboard here at Blogger I checked out the "Blogs of Note" or something like that. I found BlueSky Studios. That place is a trip. Check out Halloween and look for the twin girls from the shining. That's damn good.
Today will be Blog Day! There are many blogs I needed to stop by and say Hi. Other blogs I need to check out so I can share them with all of you. And I still need to find that one blog I saw at MyBlogLog.
Be safe...
Piture from
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I Captured You This Time!
It's my turn!
Check out his post from today!
And watch the video.
My blogging friends make this blog go round!
Be safe...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Snow Day!
Ok back to my Snow Day. I finished putting up my Christmas decorations in the house. I read a book. I made meatloaf and mash potatoes for dinner. I didn't touch the computer but I get bonus points because I did take a shower. I watched part of the new Superman movie. I kept think about Christopher Reeves and almost cried. All in all it was a perfect Snow Day.
I like pictures. Wow who knew. I found this blog "Through the Lenses". She has a good eye for photos. If you want to get lost in pictures check out "stock.xchng". I think I spent 2 hours there the first time I went.
To all the Jewelry makers and designers out there I'd like to say "Hot Damn"! In the last few weeks I've seen some pretty and sharp looking pieces. You all are making Mall jewelry stores look boring. Check out The Blue Dress if you want to see a little Wow!
Ok I think I'll have a Snow Weekend. I've got a book, popcorn, twinkle lights everywhere and the stuff to make a Red Velvet cake. Yeah it's a Snow Weekend! Get the peanut butter we're making cookies.
Be safe...
Piture from
Here Again
I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...
If your making a trip to Austin where will you find the wacky and wild? Yes, Austin has it's own style. If your reading a job descriptio...
Drawing by Lora_3 Trinity and I went to the park. She played and I drew this necklace. The day before I had been going through some old note...