Wednesday, November 29, 2006

All This For A Blog?

In 2003 we went to Borders for the midnight sale of the new Harry Potter book. My Husband walks in and loudly says "All this for a Book!" Last night I had the same thought but change book to blog. I was at MyBlogLog looking for this blog that looks like a magazine. I saw it once and now I can't find it. Somewhere I clicked on Pro Blogger. Nice site but what caught my eye was this post "I'm a Six Figure Blogger." As I read the post the laptop was the only thing keeping me from rolling off the bed. Today I realised that the post was from last year too. God knows what he's making this year. He does have to deal with the whole taxes thing but no dry cleaning. No driving in rush hour traffic. He can sit in his underwear telling others how to make money on their blogs and make six figures. How wild is that.

So I guess the question is, if Shakespeare was alive now would he write books or would he just blog?
Be safe...
Piture from


Anonymous said...

the guy at problogger (Darren Rowse) is just one of those guys that took up professional blogging first -- ever since then, there have been many copycats but the experience guys (like him) always survive.

As we blog for fun, he has to blog like crazy to earn money though. I can't honestly say whether he likes it or not but I believe it is a lot of hard work and no vacation time too as it is constant writing or else his traffic will start to drop. he also has like a dozen blogs or something and just became the vice president of B5 network - who secured 2 million in funding 2-3 months ago (earning him a nice six figure salary in return). Not bad for a professional blogger!

Oh yeah, just to make you even more envious -- look for an article which said how much he received from a months worth of google adsense. I believe it is in the figure of about $15,000. Also, his jobs section is about $50 for a posting and he has about 30-40 of them posted (so that is at least $1500-$2000 for just putting job listings up). The guy is making silly money just blogging. I am jealous... and in the wrong job! :-(

Walker said...

I guess if you put alot of effort into it you can make your blog work for you but then thats a job and I do this because i enjoy it.
I never enjoyed working LOL
I'm sure he has alot of readers to so it must help him.

The Lone BeaderĀ® said...

That is quite interesting...

I like the idea of making money from my blog, and I think I have a decent amound of traffic, but I don't like the look of all those ads on it. I think it takes away from the content.

And, I believe that I do write for both humans and search engines. But, the reason I write for search engines is so that people come to learn about my art. Hopefully they'll come back to view my progress, but more importantly, maybe they will be inspired enough to try an art of their own.

Teresa said...

Books are still king.

Lora_3 said...

I write about making money by blogging and you all comment. Hmmm...

Foo just wrote a post about making $40 bucks. If I had made $40 bucks from my blog I'd frame it.

Be safe...

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...