Friday, October 06, 2006

Hello Chunky Monkey Baby!

The Chunky Monkey has been spying on my blog. The Monkey told me to get busy with my posting because I was behind. Monkey would you like me to post pictures of you as a child? Or maybe I should do a post call "The Monkey's Mother Lives in Texas"

If you haven't guessed my daughter Lauren aka The Monkey emailed me and told me to get busy on my blog. When she was the volleyball queen we called her Chunky Monkey. Other parents gave me weird looks when I yelled that out but it didn't stop me. Hey she knew I was talking to her. I also had the bad habit of eating a whole bag of Starburst at her volleyball games. No wonder I'm healthier and thinner now.

I haven't seen my Monkey in three years and I miss her bunches.

Be safe...


jbird said...

Hahahaha.....the pressure is on!!

thanks for the comments over at my blog...I checked out that Dallas guy, and "Wow"! Wish he was near me to take a class. I can't find any classes here in the New Orleans area to take. I guess a lot of jewelry folks left for higher ground. I agree with your have such interesting things to need to write more....


Miachelle said...

That's too bittersweet.

And when are you going to show us some jewelry?

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...