Thursday, January 03, 2008


What is wrong with you people? Are you this hard up for entertainment? Oh I know you are because I see how many are reading me right now.

"Hey Dude, crazy Indiana girl living in Texas is writing in her blog again. Check it out!" (you have to say that with a redneck accent for that to be funny)

While I have your attention, My mother-in-law was just here, so I asked, "How's Nudist Guy?" She said "Keeping it in his pants!" She also thinks he found out it wasn't all that special so he's not showing it off anymore. Crap that ended boring for us.

The local news is trashing my favorite "clothes swapping cop" for not spring for Motel 6. Nothing boring in that story.

TK is right the Wire is bad ass! Check out his post.

Be safe...

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Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...