Monday, August 13, 2007

Trinity is going to School..........What?

I just enrolled Trinity in school today. My hands were shaking I was so nervous. What was making me feel this way? My little girl is growing up and my role in her life is going to change. Right now my life is all about change.

I can remember another time in my life when change happened over night in my life. I felt like I had been pushed into a dark bad place but that really wasn't the truth. I was letting others write my life story for me instead of doing it myself.

Here in the future I'm planning on making more life changes. After quitting smoking I can do anything. LOL I want to be a happier person and I want to attract happier energy around me.

If the Phone Doesn't Ring, It's Me
-Jimmy Buffett

Be safe...


Walker said...

Your little girl is growing up and you along with her :)

Lora_3 said...

Walker- Friend! What would I do with out you!

Be safe...

The Lone Beader® said...

Awww... she's gonna do just fine:)

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...