Saturday, November 29, 2008


No picture this time kids because in pictures is where I found my anger. What is thin? And what is "Too Thin". I just heard a Christmas song by Karen Carpenter. She died looking for "Thin". She's not alone. Lots of females and even males die every year looking for "Thin".

My anger was found looking at an Nordstroms ad in Vanity Fair magazine. The girl in the ad is too damn thin. She is a pretty girl but you do want to buy her food. "Have some French Fries sweetie!" Nazi's made Jews this "Thin" and the world was hell bent. So why as a society aren't we hell bent with the fashion industry.

Unhealthy either "Thin" or "Fat" is unhealthy! I must add, men that find these very "Thin" women attractive, worry me.

Be safe...


Walker said...

I like woemn with some meat who don't break when a snowflake lands on them.
I think fashion rags don't represent the average person just an misconception of what they think you should look at.
There is a tribe in Africa where the fat woemn are sought after for brides and the skinny ones bust their butts trying to get fat.
I guess there isn't a McDs in the neighborhood yet.

paulmerrill said...

Thick or thin...

Have a merry Christmas!!

Walker said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

Walker said...

I hope you have a Happy New Year

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...