Olivia Newton-John sang a song about not playing a song again. And some songs I wish the DJ's would listen. Who cares if Sheryl Crow only wants to have fun. Oh don't get me started on Bob Segeror Phil Collins. When a radio station over plays a song they kill what ever beauty it ever had.
Ok, so tell me, what song don't you want to hear for a go while?
Today we hold up the thoughts of 2,749 people at the WTC, 184 people at the Pentagon & 40 people in Shanksville, PA. We send thoughts of love and support to all their families.
Everyday that we have is a gift. Right now I feel like I'm working my gift away but I try to enjoy when I have time off. Also I thank God for putting people around me that support me when I could use a hand.
There is a storm coming this way. Maybe it's stupid for a Northern girl to say this to a storm in the Gulf but, Jesus-Bring the Rain!