Friday, February 09, 2007

Tenth Day of Love

Things for the Tenth Day of Love

Song-*-Big Log-Robert Plant

Movie-*-The Cutting Edge

Book-*-Key of Knowledge-Nora Roberts

Food-*-White Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

Blog-*-Lost Here and Beyond
Our Dark Lord of Sex Talk should be number Ten. Walker loves his family, the ladies, and his wacky friends. He talks about his life in it's many direction. For me, Walker has made me laugh on days I really needed it, made me face things in my life that I needed to face, and been wonderfully supportive of my silly story writing. Go give him a hug. He loves them.

Lora : "Hey Trin, what are you up to?"
Trinity: "Smiling"

Be safe...

Picture by


Vickie said...

Here I am again---to shout your praise---oh in some ways it will be mine as well. :)

You see I think Walker is a 10 He does love his hugs and(more) oh me I did say that.

Now I wonder if I am one of his ladies or wacky friends---never mind I remember friend---it is Walker I am talking about---Friend oh and younger brother.

As for the rest of your praise and mine---we have excellent taste in authors. I do enjoy Nora Roberts :)

Take care and see you back here soon for more LOVE

Walker said...

Now I have to download Big Log I bet I know the somg just dont remember the title.
You're very kind as is Ms Vickie.
I do like hugs.
Its true i do respect the ladies not to mention lookingh ast them.
I adore my friends and like to keep them close.

Thanks again Friend :)
Have a nice weekend

Here Again

I'm just messing around and wondering if this thing still works. It's been awhile since I've done this. Wish I had never stopped...